The $1000 idea


Brainstorming ideas 💡


3 ideas explained below:

How might we make mindfulness exercises more motivating?

Idea: A short story that stimulates all 5 senses

I often struggle to make time for mindfulness or motivate myself to listen to one of my Headspace meditation sessions. I thought it could be fun to make a short story book that stimulates all 5 senses in order for one to bring themselves into the present and become mindful and aware. It could be something for kids and adults both! Something to lighten the mood.

How might we better manage self-doubt on our own?

Idea: A feel-good book

Not sure if this is the right way to tackle self-doubt, but one way that I find comfort in is when I hear about people who I think have it all figured out speak about their struggles and difficulties. It’s reassuring to know you’re not alone and that it’s human to have these thoughts and feelings.

Another idea of a book is collecting positive impressions about you from people you know and have it to refer to in times of need. I’ve done a survey version of this for an different purpose and find myself referring back to it from time to time. It’s been reassuring!

How might we make self-care more fun?

Idea: A book of release!

Just a random, fun idea of a book that allows one to vent or release their frustrations in an unconventional and bizarre way. Still figuring out what the prompts or exercises would look like.

Poonam Patel